Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Principal's Corner

Principal's Photo 2018

Do you have an instinctive approach to decision making?  Those who are overly cautious may consider the risks or adverse effects, while those who are naturally optimistic don't always consider the potential pitfalls.

Dr. Edward de Bono is a Maltese physician, psychologist, author, inventor and consultant. He originated the term lateral thinking.  If you were at school in the late 80s and early 90s, your teachers may have introduced you to thinking tools, known as the Six Thinking Hats. De Bono has dedicated his life to help people improve their thinking abilities.

A particularly useful thinking skill, is a PMI. In a PMI, you consider the plusminus and point of interest; this may be a pattern of thinking which is familiar to you.  

During Covid-19, there has been much discussion around the new normal. What will the new normal be for your family and our school community? Improved hygiene practices surely will benefit everyone. The drop in the 2020 flu statistics compared with 2019 is impressive, this is certainly a plus and perhaps fewer people in the doctor's surgery could be a point of interest!

As we are on the cusp of returning to life as we knew it, what are the pluses, the minuses and the points of interest?  For many adults it may just be the gift of time. A PMI is a great way to review the personal impact of Covid-19 and to assist each of us in future decision making.


God bless
