Holy Spirit Catholic School
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This week at Holy Spirit Catholic School, we value respect.  Having respect for someone means you think good things about who a person is or how he or she acts.  Respect also means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they are different from you or you don’t agree with them.  We often use the value of respect in schools when we are speaking with children and how they treat others.  We reinforce that showing respect to someone means they act in a way that shows they care about their feelings and well-being.  This week we pray that our students show respect for others by thinking and acting in a way that shows others they care about their feelings and their well-being, not calling others names, treating each other with courtesy and caring about themselves. 


The first Sunday after Pentecost is celebrated as the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.  Jesus appeared to his disciples and sent them out to make disciples of all peoples.  He told them to baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  As part of our Catholic faith we believe in the mystery of the God who shares himself with us through the three persons of the Trinity, the Father who created us, the Son who was his human presence on earth and showed us how to live and the Holy Spirit who fills us with God’s love and the courage to carry out his mission in the world.



God of yesterday, today and tomorrow, 

we call to mind your presence within us and around us.

Open our ears that we may hear your Word.
Open our hearts that we may understand your Word.
Open our mouths that we may speak your World.

Inspire us with the Gospel message,             
that we may celebrate all that is life-giving,
restore hope where it has been lost, and work to bring about                        
change where it is needed.

May we live the Gospel with courageconstancy and love.
May we be open to the challenge of your call to true freedom.
May we be faithful to you in our daily choices and decisions.
May we make your love known through our words and actions.

May the triune God reign in our hearts, now and forever.



APRE 19 Jun

God bless.

Caroline Fuller