Guidance Counsellor Corner
In this edition of School TV – School Refusal
The transition back to school each fall is challenging for many families. But some children and teens feel so much emotional distress that they may repeatedly balk at attending school or staying there — a problem known as school refusal, or school avoidance if it occurs consistently.
Though many children will refuse to go to school at some stage in their lives, school refusal is very different to truancy. It is a more serious condition than separation anxiety and often stems from a child’s anxiety about school. They may be worried about their schoolwork, interacting with other kids, dealing with teachers, playing sports or being away from family. School refusal is a behaviour that can also be accompanied by sadness or depression, physical symptoms and social isolation. This condition is equally common amongst boys and girls, from all socioeconomic groups and across both primary and secondary levels.
What can parents do?
- Step in quickly
- Help identify issues
- Communicate and collaborate
- Be firm about school
- Make staying home boring
If you would like to find out more, please see the link below.
Here is the link to the School Refusal edition of School TV:
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of School TV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.