In Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 6:27-38), Jesus teaches us that loving one another, even people we don’t get along with, is important. God wants us to love others with the same love He has for us. It might seem challenging to consider being kind to those who mistreat us, and it is challenging. However, we do not do this on our own merit or power. As we pray and care for other people in the same way we wish to be cared for, we recognise that we are demonstrating Christ’s love. None of us is deserving of grace, but God cares for us despite our wrong doings. We should pass on the love and mercy that we have been shown to others at every opportunity we can.
This week at Holy Spirit we value hospitality. Hospitality is about people welcoming others into spaces where they spend their time. It is making sure everyone is comfortable and offering help or guidance to those who need it. Therefore, our hospitality to others is a sign of our love for God, for God is always present when guests are present at the table. May the value of hospitality shine this term through the many opportunities to connect and spend time with others.
Tuesday, 4th March (Week 6), is Shrove Tuesday. In ancient times, this was a day of celebration, when there were processions and people feasted together before they entered a time of fasting and prayer during Lent. Today, many still follow this tradition by eating pancakes. This is associated with the ancient custom of eating the last supplies of milk, flour and eggs before the beginning of Lent.
Lent also begins with Ash Wednesday on the 5th March (Week 6). Our Grade 3 to 6 students will attend Mass in the Church with Fr Joshy at 9am and our P-2 students will have a Liturgy in the Lynch Family Hall at 8:40am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Project Compassion is Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Millions of Australians come together in solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. This year’s theme is “Unite Against Poverty”. Each family will receive a Project Compassion box and/or a set of envelopes for their donations or you can donate online via their website at https://www.caritas.org.au/ More information will be provided in the next newsletter.
God of our journey,
We are all travellers on a path of hope, brought together by Your love,
And Your wish for us to be united as one family.
In this Year of Jubilee, help us stand for justice
And care for our world, our common home.
Teach us to work together to end poverty,
To bring freedom to those in need,
And to help renew and protect Your creation.
May our kind hearts and helping hands
Make the world a place of peace for everyone.
We ask this through Jesus, our guide and friend.
God bless.
Caroline Fuller – APRE