Holy Spirit Catholic School
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As the year comes to a close, we give thanks for all we have experienced and shared as we mark the end of the 2024 school year. Last night was special for our Year 6 students who celebrated Rite of Passage. As I watched the Year 6 PowerPoint Presentation and listened to the speakers, it was beautiful to see the culmination of the years of growth in our senior students. I watched them having fun, working together and caring for others through many activities. I believe the seeds of mercy and gospel values have been sown and are alive and well in the students leaving our school. Congratulations to our senior students and you, their parents and carers, who support them in their journey.

Year 6

ST VINCENT DE PAUL HAMPER: A BIG THANK YOU to all who generously donated items for our annual Christmas Hamper that was given to St Vincent de Paul this morning during our liturgy. What a wonderful way to start the Christmas season by showing care and mercy for those less fortunate in our community. 

apre 3

ST WENCELAUS: Legend surrounds the brief life of Saint Wenceslaus 1, Duke of Bohemia (907-935), venerated initially because of his martyrdom but most remembered today because of a Christmas carol from the 16th century that celebrated him as a model of generosity. Separating fact from fiction may be difficult after 1000 years, but your own track record with regard to generosity should be easier to tally. Will anyone sing praises of your generosity a millennium from now? A hundred years? Ten minutes after you are gone? If not, what can you do today to start building your own lasting legacy as a disciple of Christ? (from Take Five for Faith)

I hope you all have an enjoyable holiday, and I look forward to seeing you all next year in 2025 to start the year again. Best of luck to our Grade 6 senior students moving into High School and future endeavours. 

Your contribution to Holy Spirit Catholic School will be remembered.

Have a safe and happy holiday.

God bless.
Caroline Fuller