Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Welcome back to the 2025 school year. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces APRE 1last week as our families returned to school. A special welcome to those families and students who are new to our school. Each year, our school focuses on a Holy Spirit Mercy Value – Compassion, Justice, Respect, Hospitality, Service and Courage. We also have an additional value – Excellence. The Founder of the Sisters of Mercy, The Venerable Mother Catherine McAuley, is displayed prominently on the side of the Lynch Family Hall as you enter our school.  She was a guiding light with her testimony of faith, holiness and hope as she ministered to the poor and disadvantaged.  Our school was joined by the Sisters of Mercy in 1971 and their charism of mercy and justice is just as important to us today.  Pope Francis said:  ‘People today…need us to bear witness to the mercy and tenderness of the Lord which warms the heart, rekindles hope, and attracts people towards the good.’


In this week’s Gospel, Luke shares the story of Jesus meeting His disciples at the Sea of Galilee. Simon had been fishing all night with no success and was then cleaning his nets. He goes out again, despite his exhaustion, when Jesus tells Simon to put out into the deep water and let down his nets for a catch. We all know that Simon does what is asked of him, and his nets then fill with fish. It is then that Jesus calls Simon and his partners to a new vocation of catching people so that they might live a new mission by following Jesus. This text reflects God’s call to ordinary people to discipleship and mission. We are all called daily to use the gifts God has given us in service to others and to share the good news of Christ in word and deed. As we begin a new year, we pray that our students use their gifts to be people of hope to those around them. 

This week at Holy Spirit we value justice. Justice, for many people, refers to fairness. We should always be looking to discover ways we are called to be people for others. We are called to: show dignity to others; help those in need with the essentials required for a decent life (food, clothing and shelter); pay special attention to the needs of those who are poor; care for one another; care for all that God has made. One way we can do this term will be to support Project Compassion. More information will be shared with our community as we approach Lent. 

On Friday morning, Year 3 – 6 gathered for prayer as well as the commissioning of our 2025 student leaders. A special congratulations to all our 2025 Student Leaders. Our Year Six students have a very important role in developing school spirit as leaders and role models to the younger students. Thank you to all our families and friends who joined us for this special occasion. 


God bless.
Caroline Fuller - APRE