Principal's Corner
Recently, Bishop Tim and Executive Director, Jacqui Francis attended our school for our Blessing and Opening of the Library and L block (new tuckshop). What a fantastic morning as we welcomed current and past staff, parents and families. Bishop Tim had the best time in the 'treehouse'
In the past 2 weeks, interviews were held for the positions of Assistant Principal - Administration and Assistant Principal - Pedagogy and Learning. These senior leadership positions are highly contested throughout our diocese. Congratulations to Nicole Lennox ( Assistant Principal - Administration) and Kristy Bates (Assistant Principal - Pedagogy and Learning) on being successful in your application. Our Leadership Team is now finalised going forward.
Over the past few weeks, some of our staff have been impacted by the loss of a parent. Please keep Cara McConochie and Suzanne Dunlop in your prayers as they work through this time of sadness.
Last Sunday, Father Lijo spoke to the congregation at Mass about our gifts given to us by God. This week, our staff engaged in formation as we dived deeper into the Gospel values and how our Mercy values are embedded. It was during these times that I was reminded that we all make choices but we are encouraged to have Christ as part of our decision making: compassion, respect, service, courage, justice and with a sense of excellence. We are all called to use our gifts to make our community a better place.
Strength in the Spirit
Paul Martin