Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Hatchett Street
Cranbrook QLD 4814
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Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580

Pedagogy & Learning News

Classroom Showcase - Save the Date

You are invited to come and visit your child’s classroom on Wednesday 20th, March between 3:00 pm and 4:15 and Thursday 21st, March, from 8:00 to 8:25.

6 Great Reasons to read aloud to your child 

  1. Reading aloud to children creates a lifetime interest in reading
  2. Reading to young children extends their attention spans
  3. Reading aloud to children aids in language development
  4. As you read aloud, the power of a child’s imagination is strengthened
  5. Reading aloud helps a child's comprehension
  6. Reading aloud is a great one-on-one bonding time

Additional Professional Development Day - Pupil Free Day

Townsville Catholic Education Office has approved an additional professional development day in 2024.  The date will be Friday, 26th April 2024, a pupil-free day. This day follows the ANZAC Day public holiday on Thursday, April 25th. The reason for granting this additional professional development day is to provide the time and opportunity for all teachers to prepare to implement V9.0 of the Australian Curriculum. This planning day will focus on supporting teachers in understanding the changes to content and assessment from the current Australian Curriculum to the newly revised curriculum.  Much planning is already occurring in all schools to ensure all teachers are well-placed to provide rich learning experiences for their students.

Year 3 and Year 5 NAPLAN

When is NAPLAN?

The NAPLAN testing window begins in Week 8 of Term 1. Our school schedule is as follows:

  • Wednesday 13th March - Writing at 9 am
  • Thursday 14th March - Reading at 11 am
  • Tuesday 19th March - Conventions of Language at 9 am
  • Thursday 21st March - Numeracy at 9 am