Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Phone: 07 4779 4255
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Last week, our children in Years 4-6 joined parishioners for Ash Wednesday Mass and our Prep to Year 3 participated in a liturgy. Ashes are made by burning the blessed palms that were distributed the previous year on Palm Sunday and a cross is marked on our forehead. The ashes for us symbolise penance that we are sorry for things we do wrong and we would like to change and live the Gospel values as God wants us to. It is a time to grow and change, just as the land springs back to life after a bushfire, we too can grow back to find new life with God. As we prepare for Easter, we reflect on the great sacrifice of Jesus who died on the cross for us. 

Life is full of surprises. Around every corner, in every part of life, experiences APREof wonder await us. We only need to open ourselves for the possibility of the different, the unexpected. But the rote and routine of life often dull our sense of awe. In the reading for the Second Sunday in Lent this weekend, we read of the Transfiguration: Peter, James, John accompanied Jesus to pray in a quiet, peaceful place at the top of a mountain. While they were there, Jesus appeared to change becoming radiant in God’s glory. His face and clothes shone with a brilliant light as dazzling as the rays of the sun and Moses and Elijah appeared on either side of Jesus, talking to him. We can see that His glory might be reflected in everything around us, the whole of creation, and we can feel the warmth of God’s love in our lives if we open ourselves to the possibilities. We can glory in the gifts he has given us and use them to be positive and see the possibilities in everyone we meet. 

Sacramental Programme: This weekend, students participating in Holy Spirit Church’s programme will be attending their first workshop followed by attending Mass. Please keep all these students and those from our Parish in your prayers. 

Project Compassion 2024: Last week, a Project Compassion box was sent home to all families. Project Compassion is Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Millions of Australians come together in solidarity with the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Project Compassion reminds us that what we do today can have an impact for all future generations.   For more information, please visit https://www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion/


Leaia's story from Samoa for Project Compassion: Not having access to a reliable source of clean water was very difficult for Leaia and her family. But
with the support of Caritas Australia, a water tank was installed at their home,
improving their health and living conditions.

We encourage students to discover the power of giving and the impact that their contribution, however big or small, can have in the lives of others. When we lend a hand to someone in need, they will go on to help others and make better opportunities for future generations.

Project compassion

Project Compassion Prayer 2024
God of all hope,

we pray for our world with all its beauty and need.
We thank you for the love in our lives that is
a mirror of your unending love.
May all creation know your compassion this Lent
and may we take courage to share it, especially with
those who don’t have what they need.

In our time, we hear the same words you spoke to Moses:
‘I will be with you,’ when you ask us to do courageous things.
Through our prayer, fasting and almsgiving,
move us to act in the company of your Spirit,
showing compassion and acting for justice
to renew the face of the Earth,
now and for all future generations.
We ask this in the name of Christ.


God bless.
Caroline Fuller - APRE