Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Hatchett Street
Cranbrook QLD 4814
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Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580

From the Principal's Chair

How fast do holidays go? It only seems like yesterday we were eating damper and learning all about the First Nations culture as part of NAIDOC Week at Holy Spirit in the last week of the term. Yet here we are ready to power through Term 3. So, welcome back and here is to a successful term for all.

When teachers begin a new term, they take the time to revisit rules, expectations and set the standards high for our students. I would like to take this opportunity to revisit some procedures as a reminder for our students and families. If your child is going to be away, please ring through to the office to explain their absence or enter this through the Compass app. If you need a refresher on how to do this, please ask our friendly office staff or see the photo below.

Attendance Notes

Before School procedures:

If children/families arrive before 8am, they are to wait outside the Hall as supervision at HSCS does not start until 8am. 

From 8am to 8.15, all children and families are to wait in Bibi Goo Yumba (Year 1 to Yr 3) or the Hall ( Yr 4 to Yr 6).  No one is to be going to classrooms as staff are preparing for the day. The only exception is if a meeting has been scheduled.

At 8.15am, students move to unpack bags and can play in the classrooms, Bibi Goo Yumba ( Yr 1-3) and the Hall (Yr 4-6) with staff on duty for supervision.

After School Procedures:

Students can be collected from classrooms at the end of the day. Please ensure you are parked in a designated car park (not in the pick up line or illegally in a no standing zone).

Staff are on duty in 3 areas for student collection. Hatchett Street pick up zone, Albert Street and the Church carpark until 3.15pm. If you are arriving early, please park your car and not start filling the pick up zone. Please be aware this has major ramifications in the Church carpark and does not allow people access to park if this pick zone blocks the entrance. Thank you to the many families that are patient and considerate of all users of the pick up zones.

This term, we welcome 9 new students to our school community and some of these families are past students returning to see our new buildings. Welcome everyone to the family.

Our building project is progressing well. We hope to have a definitive date of taking possession in the coming weeks. Fingers crossed.

Happy days,

Paul Martin