Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Hatchett Street
Cranbrook QLD 4814
Subscribe: https://hsstsv.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580

From the Principal's Chair

Welcome back to Term 2. As Kath Tarttelin takes up the role of Education Consultant, I have the privilege to take the role of Acting Principal for this fantastic school. One of the foundations for this school is the Spirit of Generosity. Our school was built on land generously donated by Pat and Ron Lynch and we have dedicated our Hall to this kind gesture. When the school opened in 1969, Marie Arnold (White House is named after her) rallied the parent community to assist with mowing and removing the chinee-apple trees. Maintaining a school is no easy task and our school community put their heart and soul into ensuring our school was well equipped.

Over our past 50+ years, parents have continued to be a wonderful support to this school. From working bees, volunteering at carnivals for swimming, athletics, cross country, the numerous Fetes and Mini Fetes, feast day celebrations, parent nights, IPC bingo and more.  We still see this generosity with parents and community members as they continue the Spirit of Generosity in the tuckshop, classrooms, car park pick up zones, sacramental programs, carnivals and camps.

It is evident that parent involvement, support and presence in the School Board, Parent Reference Group, school activities has been a long tradition. Thank you for your continued support.

School run 4 fun

Holy Spirit Day is May 26 and we will again include our Spirit Steps into this day of celebrations.  The fundraising for Spirit Steps is slightly different. this year. We are registered with Australian Fundraising under the name "Holy Spirit Catholic School Cranbrook".

Parents are asked to register their child/children on the secure, cybersafe website. The details for registration are included in the letter and booklet coming home today. This also allows for you to share your child's fundraising through your social circles such as Facebook etc.

All money raised will be going to the resources and furnishings in the new Library which we hope to have back this July.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kristy Bates via email kbates@hsstsv.catholic.edu.au

Happy Days!
Paul Martin