Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Hatchett Street
Cranbrook QLD 4814
Subscribe: https://hsstsv.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580

Principal's Corner

Dear Parents, Carers and Staff
Next term, I have been seconded to the Townsville Catholic Education Office as Acting Education Consultant. Mr Paul Martin will be Acting Principal during Term 2. His replacement is being finalised and will be announced in the next few days.

Construction Update
Construction of our new Library, Tuckshop and Learning Hub is going well. Rain has caused a tiny delay in delivery of our new buildings, but at this stage, it is likely we will be able to occupy the spaces by the end of July.

Our Architect has provided a fly-through of the new Library. The furnishings will be different, but it gives you an idea of the space. Enjoy!

This is our last newsletter for Term 1 and I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a happy Easter. It is a time to reflect on the true meaning of Easter celebrations, that Christ is risen, reminding us that Jesus is alive and in our midst and he welcomes us in a new life with Him.

Holidays are a great time to rest, recharge and spend time with family and friends. Coming up with activities to keep the family entertained can at times be expensive and challenging. Why not spend some time during the upcoming Easter break to dust off your Board Games and have a family night at home?

Board games are a fantastic way for children to develop important skills in a fun and engaging way. Not only are they a great way to spend time with family and friends, but they also have tremendous educational benefits. Here are some of the ways that board games can help children develop:

1. Problem-solving: Board games can help children learn how to think critically and come up with solutions to problems. As they play, children are exposed to a variety of different problems that require creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

2. Concentration and focus: Board games require children to focus for long periods of time in order to complete the game. This helps them learn to concentrate and focus, as well as to pay attention to detail. 

3. Teamwork and collaboration: Board games are a great way for children to learn how to work together as a team. As they play, they learn how to work together to reach a common goal and can develop valuable collaboration skills.

4. Social skills: Board games can also help children develop their social skills. As they play, they learn to interact with different people and develop important communication skills.
Board games are a great way to have fun and learn at the same time. Why not encourage your child to explore the world of board games? They will have a blast while developing important skills that will help them succeed in life!
Best wishes 