Holy Spirit Catholic School
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From the APA Desk

In the upcoming weeks, grade 5 students will be provided the opportunity to attend our camp in Gumburu, Paluma. School camps provide students with unique opportunities for learning and personal growth outside the confines of the classroom.  One of the driving forces behind the success of these endeavours is the unwavering generosity of our teachers, at Holy Spirit, who dedicate their time, energy, and resources to make this an enriching experience.

School camps are more than just fun-filled trips; they hold immense educational value. By taking students out of their comfort zones and into the great outdoors, camps offer a plethora of learning opportunities that cannot be replicated within four walls. Our camp at Gumburu Environmental Centre encourages our students to become experiential learners, where they engage in hands-on activities, immersing them in the rainforest biome. Moreover, school camps provide a unique setting for character development. Away from the support of their families, students learn to be independent, self-reliant, and adaptable. They develop resilience and the ability to overcome challenges, as well as empathy and cooperation when working together in teams. All the qualities of being a SPIRIT kid!

Let's not forget though, that behind every successful school camp, are our teachers who go above and beyond their usual duties to ensure its success. We are fortunate that we have generous teachers who take time away from family and our camp parent volunteers who not only take time away from family but often work commitments as well. We appreciate all who contribute to a positive camp experience.

As we celebrate the opportunity of school camps, let us also wish our grade 5 campers safe travels and the best of fun. Stay tuned for photos and anecdotes on their return.

Kind regards

Nicole Lennox