Holy Spirit Catholic School
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In Sunday’s Gospel (Matthew 13:44-46), Jesus tells us a story about a man who found a box of treasure in a field, and another about a merchant who found the most perfect, beautiful pearl. Jesus wanted us to understand that God’s love for us is like a priceless treasure, worth more than all our worldly possessions. We can share in God’s kingdom now on earth, through the way we live with love, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, honesty and truthfulness, all things we value in our friends.

This week at Holy Spirit we value justice. Justice, for many people, refers to fairness. We should always be looking to discover ways in which we are called to be people for others. We are called to: show dignity to others; help those in need with the essentials required for a decent life (food, clothing and shelter); pay special attention to the needs of those who are poor; care for one another; care for all that God has made. This week, during Catholic Education Week, we pray that our students pay attention to those around them and be examples of showing justice to others.


July 26th is the day to remember the parents of Mary, the mother of Jesus. While they are not mentioned in the Gospels, tradition holds, on the grounds of very old testimonies, that Saints Joachim and Ann were the father and mother of Mary, the Mother of God.

Catholic Education Week is a lovely time to reflect on the importance of being in one apre 1of the 313 Catholic Schools in Queensland with their distinctive mission and ethos. It is a great opportunity to look at what makes Holy Spirit a great school. Yesterday, our Term 3 school captains, Madison and Abnel, attended the Catholic Education Week Mass at the Cathedral. We also had Cameron and Mia who were members of the choir. The Mass was celebrated with schools from across the Diocese and presided by Bishop Tim.

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God bless.

Caroline Fuller