Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Hatchett Street
Cranbrook QLD 4814
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Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580


The Ascension of our Lord into heaven (Matthew 28:16-20) is celebrated at Masses apre 1this Sunday. The time had come for Jesus to say goodbye to his disciples and return to his Father in heaven. They had work to do when He was gone, but through the Holy Spirit they would never feel alone again or afraid. Each one of us in our own way can do our best to share God’s Words and faith with those around us in our words and actions. We encourage our students to follow Our SPIRIT Way at home or in the community to reflect God’s Words and faith.

This week at Holy Spirit we value compassion, meaning sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Compassion gives us the ability to understand someone else's situation and the desire to take action to improve their lives. It is the quality that allows us to step outside of ourselves and see the circumstances of others. It supplies the will power to do what is necessary to make the world a more caring place. This week, we pray our students show compassion to those around them.

This Saturday, students will conclude their Sacramental Programme with a combined Mass. Over the last couple of months, we have worked closely with the children in preparing them for this special occasion. We keep all those students who will receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist this Sunday with the Holy Spirit Parish in our prayers this week.

Next Friday, we celebrate Holy Spirit Day. Our day begins with a Liturgy that will be led by our Term 2 School Captains.
Everyone is welcome to join us for the Liturgy and stay on for SPIRIT Steps.

The Feast of Mary, Help of Christians is May 24th . Mary Help of Christians is the Patron Saint of Australia and also of the Townsville Diocese. When the Bishops of Australia met for their first synod, in 1844, they decided that under the title “Help of Christians”, Our Lady should become the Patroness of the Australian Church. Mary has long been recognised for her powerful role as intercessor to her Son, Jesus, for the needs of the faithful and their protection.

Mary Help of Christians 


Patroness of Australia & Townsville Diocese
Almighty God, deepen in our hearts our love of Mary Help of Christians. Through her prayers and under her protection, may the light of Christ shine over our land.

May Australia be granted harmony, justice and peace.

Grant wisdom to our leaders and integrity to our citizens.

Bless especially the men and women of the Australian Defence Force and their families.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.


Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

God bless.
Caroline Fuller