Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Hatchett Street
Cranbrook QLD 4814
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Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580


We were created to love. That’s what Jesus says and that’s what the gospel says in this APRE 1week’s reading - ‘The Raising of Lazarus’ (John 11:1-45). This story is the greatest sign of Jesus’ public ministry recorded. Jesus travels a full day’s journey to the place where Lazarus lays and calls him out of the tomb, where he comes out still wrapped in cloths with the face cloth around his head. This was the sign that many then came to ‘believe in Him’. God knows our struggles and our fears and has the power to unbind us if we believe in Him as the resurrection and the life.

This week at Holy Spirit we value justice. Justice, as we all know, is all about fairness for ourselves and for others. We should always be looking for ways in which we are called to be people for others, especially when we see something that isn’t fair and we can help in some way. During Lent, we are especially called to help those in need with the essentials required for a decent life (food, clothing and shelter). Our donations to Project Compassion this year is a great way to help those in need. We encourage all our families to buy their book of tickets for our Project Compassion Easter Raffle. By supporting this, we are doing our part to care for those who are poor.


Project Compassion Easter Raffle: A book of tickets has been sent home with the eldest in the family to raise funds for Project Compassion. This year, there are 6 prizes in total with our bigger prizes being for first, second and third. Additional tickets are available in our Office at the Front Reception. You can also see the prizes on display behind reception. The raffle will be drawn at our Easter Liturgy next Wednesday morning.
Good luck everyone and thank you for your generosity in supporting Project Compassion where little donations go a long way helping those in need.

PROJECT COMPASSION BOXES: Boxes can be returned to the Office at the end of this term. Thank you in advance to all those families who put aside a little from home to support PC23. For more information about CARITAS and its work go to www.caritas.org.au

God bless.
Caroline Fuller