Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Cranbrook QLD 4814
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Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580


In Sunday’s Gospel, Luke 21:5-19, Jesus speaks of the coming destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and warns that his followers will face persecution for their beliefs. Jesus encourages his disciples never to lose faith in him and their belief in God in times of trouble. As disciples of Jesus, we need to trust in the continuing presence and power of His Holy Spirit of love in our lives. As a school community following in the footsteps of the Mercy Sisters whose religious order is founded on the Gospel values of care and
compassion, we encourage our students to treat others as they would like to be treated.

This week at Holy Spirit Catholic School, we value respect. Having respect for someone means you think good things about who a person is or how he or she acts. We reinforce that showing respect to someone is to act in a way that shows they care about others feelings and well-being. This week, we pray that our students show respect for others by thinking and acting in a way that shows others they care about their feelings and their well-being, to see a need and do something about it.


Mini Fete Update: Thank you all for the wonderful fundraising efforts to support Catholic Mission’s work with children worldwide at our Mini Fete that was held recently. The funds raised at our Mini Fete was approximately $2600. This is due to the wonderful efforts of our staff, students and families. The money is used to support projects that improve the quality of life for children by giving them education opportunities or developing sustainable projects that help them and their communities build a better life. For more information please visit: https://www.catholicmission.org.au/

St Vincent De Paul Class Christmas Hamper:  This week, classes will receive information about their collection for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper.  Each year, we donate Christmas goodies to St Vincent De Paul to distribute to those in need in our community.  We ask that all students begin collecting suitable items for the Christmas Hampers.  If we all generously put in a little something we end up with quite a large donation to help those less fortunate than ourselves.  What better way to open our hearts to those in need this Christmas?  These will be presented at our Christmas Liturgy in the last week of school.  If we all generously put in a little something, we end up with quite a large donation to help those less fortunate than ourselves.  Students will be provided with items to be included in our Christmas Hampers this year.  In the words of Mayor Jenny Hill at last year’s Christmas Appeal Launch, “Let’s make the festive season a brighter one for those less fortunate.”


Lord Jesus, teach me by your example…

Make me, through all of my efforts, be a shining light to all

people and all things around me.

I want to always do things that make you happy.

Look over me and please give me the strength and the

wisdom to continue to do your work on earth.


(Based upon words from St Vincent)

Pictured are our Term 4 School Captains with Bishop Tim at the SVDP Christmas Appeal Launch.

God bless.

Caroline Fuller