Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Guidance Counsellor Corner

Year 6 - preparing for high school

Small group student sessions on ‘preparing for high school’ are being offered by Tegan Towler (Guidance Counsellor) this term. Students from Year 6 have been invited to participate in these sessions (consisting of three sessions, approximately 30 minutes each).

The group will aim to assist students with preparing for high school by normalising feelings associated with this change and addressing questions and concerns about high school (including friendships, timetables, and exploring strategies for organisation). Although facilitated by Tegan, this informal small group setting will allow students the opportunity to share and learn from each other. 

If you are interested in your child participating, please contact your child's classroom teacher by the 14th of October.


A SPECIAL REPORT: Building Belonging Post Pandemic

Having a sense of belonging involves more than simply knowing other people. It is also focused on gaining acceptance, attention and support from others, as well as having the opportunity to provide the same to other people.

When the pandemic interrupted our lives and changed the way we live, this meant that suddenly many of our young people's main sources of connection with peers and extended family members was removed overnight without warning. As human beings, we have a basic emotional and biological need for connection. It provides us with feelings of identity, security, support, acceptance and community.

Students who have a sense of belonging will experience these feelings which in turn supports their academic, psychological and social development. When young people come together again after a period of instability, there is a period of adjustment. Whilst the rules of the group may be established, acceptance remains paramount and can therefore mean some behaviours become far from rational, making it difficult for their brain to focus on things, such as learning. All these factors combined, leave young people open to being vulnerable. It can sometimes tempt them into making choices or becoming involved in situations they might not ordinarily consider.

As a result of the pandemic, there are still many young people struggling to connect and regain their sense of belonging. This Special Report provides guidance to families who find themselves in this situation.

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to your special report:


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