Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Cranbrook QLD 4814
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Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580


Welcome back for Term 3.  It was lovely to see so many smiling faces on Monday as our students returned to school.  A special welcome to those families and students that are new to our school this term.  This week, our Holy Spirit Value is ‘Mercy’.  Mercy is all about a combination of compassion and forgiveness.  It is easy to be angry with someone and to treat that individual badly.  It is very important to discuss with children what mercy is so they can show it to those around them.  This week as we return for the start of a new term, we pray our students be merciful towards other by encouraging them to show compassion and take the time to show kindness to others.  


In this week’s Gospel, we hear the story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42).  Martha and Mary lived in Bethany, a small village near Jerusalem.  They were close friends of Jesus who often came to visit them when he passed that way.  Jesus and His disciples had been invited to stay for a meal, but while Martha was busy preparing the meal, Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to Him, speak. Martha grew angry at having to do all the work, but Jesus, while grateful for what Martha had done, told her that Mary had done the right thing. He was happy that Mary had chosen to take time to listen to the Word of God.

Celebrated annually in Week 3 of Term 3, Catholic Education Week is an opportunity APRE 2for all 313 Catholic schools in Queensland to celebrate and promote their distinctive mission and ethos.  Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools and in the wider community by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.  Catholic Education Week in 2022 will be celebrated in Queensland from 24 July – 30 July.  The theme for 2022 celebrations will be Communities of Faith, Hope, Love.

God bless

Caroline Fuller