Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Hatchett Street
Cranbrook QLD 4814
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Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580


In the readings for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Jesus promises the disciples that the APRE 1Holy Spirit will teach them everything and remind them of all he has said to them (John 14:23-29). At Confirmation, we learn of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that bequeath us with knowledge, understanding, wisdom, courage, right judgement, reverence and awe. Jesus asks us to let the Holy Spirit live in our hearts so we are close to God and filled with his peace and goodness.


This week at Holy Spirit we value generosity. Generosity has been described as: “ready to give freely, unselfish, free from smallness or pettiness of mind or character:” Generosity is simple, kind and readily available. It's about giving 100% even when you don't have to. It's about treating people the way you'd want to be treated. Everyone loves being around generous people. There is something so special about generous people that brings life, joy, empowerment and freedom into the atmosphere when they turn up. We can teach our children to live a life of generosity whether they are financially secure or not. They don’t have to wait to have an income and our generosity doesn’t have
to be limited by our income. The only thing that limits our generosity is
our mindset and our character.

Last weekend, students in the Holy Spirit Parish Sacramental Programme attended their final workshop followed by Mass. Students will receive the Confirmation and First Eucharist Sacraments on Monday 6th June at 6:30pm. The Mass will be presided by Bishop Tim. Please keep these students in your prayers.

Pentecost Sunday is the 5th of June. Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Balvo, will join with Bishop Tim Harris at the Sacred Heart Cathedral. You’re invited to attend and meet Archbishop Balvo as he visits the Townsville Diocese for the first time since his appointment in January this year. All are welcome to join in the celebrations of Pentecost.

The Feast of Mary, Help of Christians is May 24th. Mary Help of Christians is the Patron Saint of Australia and also of the Townsville Diocese. When the Bishops of Australia met for their first synod, in 1844, they decided that under the title “Help of Christians”, Our Lady should become the Patroness of the Australian Church. Mary has long been recognised for her powerful role as intercessor to her Son, Jesus, for the needs of the faithful and their protection.


God Bless,

Caroline Fuller