Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Hatchett Street
Cranbrook QLD 4814
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Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580


Welcome Back Term 2


Anzac Day

ANZAC Day is a solemn day of remembrance, held on the anniversary of the landing of the First Australian Imperial Force and New Zealand Army troops, at Gallipoli in 1915.

On Monday 25 April, Townsville City Council, in partnership with the Townsville RSL Sub-Branch and the Thuringowa RSL Sub-Branch, will present ANZAC Day commemorations at Townsville City and Thuringowa Central.

Townsville City: Dawn Service and Parade

5:30am Dawn Service commences - ANZAC Park, The Strand

8:15am Parade form up at Strand Park

9:00am Parade steps off

10:00am *Wreath Laying opportunity - ANZAC Park, The Strand


*PLEASE NOTE: There is no longer a formal ANZAC Day Mid-Morning Service immediately following the Townsville City parade. Organisations, schools and other participants, wishing to lay a wreath at the ANZAC Park Cenotaph, are invited to do so at the conclusion of the parade.


Thuringowa Central: Dawn Service, Parade and Mid-Morning Service

5:40am Dawn Service commences - Thuringowa Cenotaph, Riverway Precinct, Riverway Drive

8:30am Parade form up at Weir State School carpark

9:00am Parade steps off

9:30am Morning Service - Thuringowa Cenotaph, Riverway Precinct, Riverway Drive

Get to know us before you need us: Meet Jessica

Jessica Stark

Jessica is the North Queensland Education Liaison Officer (EDLO) and has been a part of the DMFS North Queensland team for a number of years.

Jessica provides support to the Defence School Mentor (DSM) network for North Queensland which includes Townsville and Cairns. Jessica advise families and schools on education issues and Defence student wellbeing.  Jessica also works closely with the DSM program coordinators, principals and Defence School Mentors to facilitate the DSM program in local schools.


Follow the link below to find information about the DSM program and other education services.

Support for kids' education: Kids : Department of Defence


We are social

Did you know that DMFS has a variety of social media pages?

DMFS social media pages share links to upcoming events, post important information and celebrate community engagement.

Facebook: @DefenceMemberFamilySupport

Instagram: @dmfs_ausdefence

Twitter: @DMFS_AusDefence