Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Parenting Ideas

Chap chat

First borns are a complex bunch. Achievement-oriented, bossy, perfectionistic and anxious are common traits. But there’s so much more to know about this fascinating cohort who love to rule the family roost.

Effective parents work with the differences in children rather than use a 'one size fits all' approach. Understanding how first borns tick helps parents and teachers adapt their approaches to suit the psychology of this fascinating group.

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Michael Grose presents: Using birth order knowledge for a parenting edge

Effective parents and carers are always looking for an edge to help them raise happy, confident, resilient kids. Many people do a brilliant job of learning on the run, but can miss a rich vein of knowledge that’s right in front of them – a child’s birth order position.

In this webinar, Michael Grose explains how birth order position impacts on a child’s personality, attitudes and behaviour. He provides insights to help bring out the best in every child, reduce destructive sibling rivalry and increase family harmony.

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Past Chap Chat

Book: Why first-borns rule the world and later-borns want to change it

Why is it that children in a family can share the same gene pool, a similar environment and experience similar parenting styles yet have fundamentally different personalities, interests and even careers as adults? Birth order!

First published in 2003 to great acclaim, this fully revised and updated 2021 edition seeks to increase the reader’s understanding of birth-order theory. It addresses multiple births, blended families, only children and birth-order balance in the workplace, and the rise of the standard two-child family, where the second-born is simultaneously the last-born. 

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