Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Hatchett Street
Cranbrook QLD 4814
Subscribe: https://hsstsv.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe

Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580

Fete News

Fete Graphic



We are NEEDING volunteers to assist on Fete night if you could please consider helping.  If you are able to commit even for just one hour it would be greatly appreciated.

To register your commitment please fill out the Fete volunteer form or submit  online.


Dodgers – OUR MONSTER DODGER DRAW with prizes worth over $9550 including $4,500 in cash

Thank you to all the families who have returned their dodgers!

For those that haven’t returned them they are now outstanding!  Please return them to school sold/unsold ASAP.

Cent Sale

Our Cent Sale still needs some prizes so have a look at home if you have any new items you would like to donate.

Also if you know of any businesses who could provide a prize or gift voucher of any value it would be greatly appreciated.

Cake Stall

We need people to BAKE BAKE BAKE for our fete.  Thank you to all who have already made the commitment to bake but we need more.

We still need cakes, sweets & jams so if you are able to help, please do.

Please feel free to contact Marjella Purcell or Laura Zonneveld  at majellapurcell@icloud.com     lzonneveld1@hsstsv.catholic.edu.au 

Plant Stall

If you have a green finger or have any pot plants you would like to donate towards our Plant Stall – please send them along

Promotional Items

We need any small promotional items, which may be used as prizes at the fete.  These items can be balloons, water bottles, rulers, pencils or any other promotional items.