Holy Spirit Catholic School
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In the Gospel on Sunday, Jesus tells the parable of the mustard seed. 


In the parable, Jesus talked about the tiny mustard seed and the way it grows into a large and sturdy plant, to explain how the Kingdom of God can grow.  To live in the Kingdom and be part of it is to live as Jesus taught us.  Showing respect, kindness, love, understanding and forgiveness towards others, helps God’s Kingdom grow on earth.  We encourage our students to respect others and make good choices in their behaviour to build positive relationships.

This week at Holy Spirit Catholic School, our value aligns well with the Gospel reading this Sunday.  The value for this week is respect.  Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or someone.  You show respect by being polite and kind.  For a lot of people, taking your hat off is a show of respect.  When people are insulted or treated badly, they feel they haven't been treated with respect.  You can respect things as well as people.  This week we pray that our students show respect by thinking and acting in a way that shows others they care about their feelings and their well-being, not calling others names, treating each other with courtesy and being respectful of others things.


This Friday, 11th June, is the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  This devotion dates back to the Middle Ages and recalls the mystery of God who is love and honours the heart of Jesus as the source and center of the incarnate love of God.  Jesus’ sacred heart is often portrayed as a flaming heart, shining with divine light, reminding us of the incredible fire of Christ’s love for us.


God bless.

Caroline Fuller