Holy Spirit Catholic School
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Cranbrook QLD 4814
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Email: crnbrk@tsv.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 07 4779 4255
Fax: 07 4779 7580


Last week, our Year 5 and 6 students had numerous presentations from our Catholic high schools about Year 7 for 2022 and 2023. We thank St Margaret Mary's, Ignatius Park, Ryan Catholic College, Southern Cross and St Patrick's College for their informative presentations and for answering the multitude of questions. These are exciting times for our students and we want to prepare them for their next adventure when their time at Holy Spirit comes to a close....not yet.

Last week, Ms Egelton and myself attended a webinar around this year's Naplan Online testing. These tests are scheduled to happen between Tuesday 11 May to Friday 21 May. Students in Years 3 and 5 will partake in the Writing test first followed by the Reading, Language Conventions / Spelling and finish with Numeracy. We will publish the test schedule over these days for Holy Spirit in the coming weeks.  Teachers and staff are making the testing format familiar to our students over the coming weeks and into next term. Naplan is not meant to cause anxiety and stress ( for students, parents or teachers). They are but 1 test in time on that particular day. Staff at Holy Spirit use the data from this test with data gained throughout the year to assist with your child's education. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher or myself.

If you would like to have a look at the format or show your child some sample questions, please visit the Public Demonstration Site and click on the appropriate year level.

Parent Teacher interviews have begun and thank you for your support in working with us. Interviews can be booked through Compass and each interview is for 15 minutes. We ask that families adhere to this timeslot as this does impact other families interview times. These interviews are a wonderful opportunity to discuss concerns but also receive feedback around the things that are going well. Ask your child what they are proud of in their achievements to date.

School photos are re-scheduled to June and the date is yet to be confirmed. MSP Photography is only too happy to answer any questions you may have about your order. Thank you for your patience with this as we felt that it was too wet for our students to receive a quality photo this week.

This Year, we have begun to incorporate the Resilience Project which has been set up by Martin Heppell and Hugh van Cuylenberg. Martin presented to our staff in January around the 4 pillars that make up the program: Gratitude, Empathy/Kindness, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy.

At Holy Spirit, we have started our weekly lessons focusing on these 4 pillars. Please ask your child what they have learnt so far.  Research shows music, physical activity, laughter all contribute to the brain releasing dopamine and oxytocin. This contributes to our happiness. We aim to teach our students to have control over their well-being in these troubling times. If you would like to know more, click here.
Have a great week everyone
Get in the Spirit!